Your Pageant Paperwork Will Make or Break Your Credibility With the Judges

The words you choose and what you put on your pageant paperwork will either build up or destroy your credibility in the judges’ eyes. Everything and anything you put in writing is fair game in the interviewing process.


If you put one thing on your resume hoping inside that the judges won’t ask you about it, there will be at least [Read more…]

When Things Go Wrong At A Pageant

Don’t misunderstand me. I love pageantry. But with all of the logistics that go into running a pageant, there is a lot of room for things to go wrong. Being self reliant will eliminate certain stressors and you’ll have a more positive pageant experience. Less stress means you will feel more relaxed and confident in your abilities. The more relaxed and confident you are, the greater your chances are of sharing who you are and winning the hearts of the judges.
At first glance what I am about to say may seem negative, but it’s not. This thought process has saved my sanity and skin countless times. Here it is: [Read more…]

Interacting and Talking with the Pageant Judges Before, During and After the Pageant

Before The Pageant:

  • A smile and saying hi to the judges when you accidently meet them in the hallway, elevator, restaurant, parties or restroom is [Read more…]